Board of director meeting requirements

At least 3 BoD members must attend the meeting. The BoD shall meet at the invitation of its chairman or the majority of its members in case of a vacancy of the position of the chairman.
A third of the board members may submit a written request to the chairman to hold a meeting. If the chairman fails to invite the board within 10 days from the date of submitting the request, they shall invite the board to a meeting themselves and notify GAFI with such meeting. The meeting may be held outside the company's headquarter or by means of teleconference, video conference or circulation, including electronic signature, in accordance with the regulations specified by the Companies Law.
A BoD meeting is not applicable under the Egyptian Laws for LLCs, but the quotaholders appoint manager(s) to manage a company. If the number of quotaholders is more than 10, control must be entrusted to a Board of Control (BoC) consisting of at least 3 quotaholders (non-managers) as determined in the AoI. Such BoC may require manager(s) to present reports, audit the books and documents of a company, take an inventory of treasury and financial stocks and request to show that the company validly exists and is in good standing. Moreover, the BoC controls financial statements of the company and annual report, develops a distribution of profits strategy and sends its report to quotaholders not less than 15 days before the next general assembly's meeting.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction. However, the founder appoints manager(s) to manage the company, determines their authorities and ratifies their signatures. Such manager(s) shall represent the company before courts and third parties and shall be responsible before the founder.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.