Tax holidays, rulings and incentives

Tax holidays
In the past, there have been tax amnesty programs, generally when a new administration takes office. The last available program was in 2013.
Tax rulings
It is possible to obtain a private letter ruling from the Mexican tax authorities (Hacienda) on specific technical tax issues. Generally, private rulings are effective only during the tax year for which they are granted and only apply to the specific taxpayers that requested them.
Tax incentives
As of 2017, there is a tax incentive on research and development (R&D) activities, which consists of a credit of 30 percent for qualifying R&D expenses, aimed at encouraging investment in this area. A tax incentive is applicable to taxpayers that use diesel. There are also incentives for real estate investment trusts (ie, FIBRAS), movies, theater productions and high-performance sports. For 2023, tax incentives to exporters in certain industries are granted with an accelerated depreciation deduction in capital expenditures in certain fixed assets and/or the possibility of applying in the annual tax return of FY2023 to 2025 an additional deduction equal to 25 percent to the increase in training expenses for employees. These industries include:
“manufacturing or production of electric components, batteries, power cables, plugs, contacts, fuses and accessories for electrical installations, gasoline, hybrid and alternative fuel engines for cars, vans and trucks and electrical and electronic equipment, steering systems, suspension, brakes, transmission systems, seats, interior fittings and stamped metal parts for automobiles, vans, trucks, trains, ships and aircraft.”
In addition, during 2023, a Decree promoting investment by taxpayers who carry out productive economic activities within the Isthmus of Tehuantepec was granted, consisting of a tax credit equivalent to 100 percent of the income tax triggered in the fiscal year, during the first 3 fiscal years. Th tax credit will then be 50 percent of the income tax in the 3 subsequent years, or up to 90 percent in case the minimum employment levels are exceeded. A tax credit equivalent to 100 percent of the Value Added Tax (VAT) will be paid by taxpayers who carry out within the Isthmus of Tehuantepec the alienation of goods, the provision of independent services or the granting of the use or temporary enjoyment of goods. To persons who carry out productive economic activities within the territory, the tax credit can be applied for 4 years from the entry into force of the Decree. Immediate deduction of 100 percent of the original amount of certain investment of new fixed assets that they use in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to carry out their productive economic activities is applicable during the first 6 fiscal years.