Business expansion

GmbH – limited liability company
No need to change as business expands. It is also possible to open up branches of a German entity in order to expand in Germany. There are 2 groups:
- Independent branch (selbständige Zweigniederlassung) and
- Dependent office/site (unselbständige Zweigniederlassung).
The main distinctive feature is the dependency on the head office company. Whereas the independent branch engages in business activities independently (ie, a spatial and organizational separation, independent participation in the course of business, own management with the required proxies, separate accounting and separate business assets), the dependent office/site can make out invoices only in the name of the head office company. As a consequence, while the independent branch is required to register, the dependent office/site establishment does not have to be entered in the commercial register. It is only necessary for the business activity that is being practiced to be notified at the competent local trade office (Gewerbe-/Ordnungsamt). Both groups are not separate legal entities.