Exit strategy

Cessation: Within 7 days after ceasing to carry on business in Australia, a registered foreign company must lodge written notice that it has so ceased.
Dissolution of foreign company: If ASIC receives notice from a local agent of a registered foreign company that the foreign company has been dissolved or deregistered in its place of incorporation, ASIC must remove the foreign company's name from the register.
Proprietary company
Deregistration: If there are no liabilities and minimal assets. Application to deregister is lodged with ASIC.
Liquidation: If company is insolvent or there are significant assets or liabilities to be dealt with. A formal process involving the appointment of a liquidator, providing proof of debts, realizing assets, paying creditors and distributing any surplus to shareholders.
Public company
Deregistration: If there are no liabilities and minimal assets. Application to deregister is lodged with ASIC.
Liquidation: If company is insolvent or there are significant assets or liabilities to be dealt with. A formal process involving the appointment of a liquidator, providing proof of debts, realizing assets, paying creditors and distributing any surplus to shareholders.