Although plan materials are not required to be translated into Spanish, it is recommended, to ensure that employees understand the terms of their awards. Award materials should be addressed to individual employees in order to avoid securities law requirements.
Stock purchase rights


There are no translation requirements. Any filing with the government must be in English.
Electronic communication
It is permissible to execute offer documents and enrollment forms electronically.

Although plan materials are not required to be translated initially, a German translation might be necessary at a later stage.

In Belgium, there is specific legislation on the use of languages in employment matters, requiring the use of French for the Walloon region, Dutch for the Flemish region, and French for French-speaking workers and Dutch for Dutch-speaking workers in the Brussels region. Nevertheless, this legislation applies only to communication between the employer and the worker and therefore does not apply to communication between any other entity (notably the foreign parent company) that would grant a benefit. Any filing with the government may be required in French or Dutch.
Employee communications should be provided in the local language: French for the Walloon region, Dutch for the Flemish region, and French and/or Dutch for the Brussels region. Contrary to the legislation applicable in the Flemish and the Walloon region, the legislation of the Brussels' region nevertheless allows a retroactive regularization by providing the worker with a translation in the correct language. Any filing with the government may be required in French or Dutch.
Electronic communication
In some circumstances, it may be acceptable for offer documents to be electronically executed.

Although plan materials are not required to be translated, translation is required for any government filing, and is recommended to ensure that employees understand the terms of their awards.

Unless an employee in Quebec waives their right to receive plan materials in French, such materials must be translated into French.
Electronic communication
It should be feasible for an employee to execute their award agreement electronically.

The Labor Authority has asserted that plan materials should be translated; however, translation is not legally required. Government filings and any employee consent authorizing the cross-border transfer of personal data must be in Spanish.

Any filing with the government must be translated.

It is not mandatory to have the respective documents translated into Spanish if all shareholders are proficient in English. However, Spanish is strongly advisable as the Colombian authorities could require any document to be in Spanish or translated into Spanish (by a certified translator) and duly apostilled (if applicable).
Electronic communication
It is not mandatory for an employee to be able to execute their award agreement electronically.

Czech Republic
Although not required, translation of documents is recommended. Any filing with the government is required to be translated.

Employers are required to provide a summary of their employees' rights in local language under the 2004 Danish Stock Option Act. Government filings must be translated.

Translation of the plan documents is recommended for all employees. The company should ensure that employees understand the documents. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.

Although not required, it is recommended that plan documents be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be translated into Arabic.

Although not required, translation of plan documents is recommended, as a contract may be unenforceable if it is concluded in a language that the participant cannot understand.

Translation is recommended. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
It should be valid for an employee to execute the plan documents electronically.

Although not required, it is recommended that documents regarding purchase plans be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
It should be valid for an employee to execute the plan documents electronically.

Translation is not required, so long as the employees acknowledge that they understand the grant material. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
It should be valid for an employee to execute the plan documents electronically.

Hong Kong, SAR
If the employee has limited proficiency in English, it is recommended that plan documents be translated into Chinese.

Although it is not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
It is generally acceptable for offer documents to be electronically executed.

There are no translation requirements. Any filing with the government must be in English.

In connection with Law No. 24 of 2009 on Flag, Language, National Emblem, and National Anthem as further implemented by Presidential Regulation No. 63 of 2019 on Use of Indonesian Language, it is mandatory that documents regarding stock plans, especially the award agreements, be executed in Indonesian and English if there is Indonesian party to the agreement.

Translation is not required. All government filings must be in English.
Electronic communication
It should be valid for an employee to execute the offer document electronically.

Translation of plan-related materials may be required to satisfy securities law requirements, if applicable. Any government filings are required to be translated. For labor law purposes, translation is required if English is not the language used in general for communications with employees.

Although not required, it is recommended that all documents regarding plans be translated. Any government filings are required to be translated.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding purchase plans be translated. Any government filings are required to be translated.

With the exception of the written notice required under the PDPA, there is no legal requirement for the plan materials to be translated into Bahasa Malaysia. However, for employees who are literate in a language other than English, it is recommended for the documents to be provided in that language.
Electronic communication
The use of electronic forms to communicate the offer to employees and obtain their acceptance of the same is feasible. However, online certification of the employee's acceptance must be obtained.

Although it is not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. All government filings are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
It should be valid for an employee to execute the offer document electronically.

A translation of the plan is not required. However, the local tax authorities may require a translation if the plan is submitted for a tax ruling. A translation may further be recommended to ensure that employees understand the terms of their awards.
Electronic communication
It is generally acceptable for employees' offer documents to be executed electronically.

New Zealand
Generally, the offering document must be in English.

Employee communications are required to be interpreted in a language they understand. All filings with the government must be translated to English and notarized as duly translated by a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oath.

Although it is not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be in Norwegian or English.

Documents regarding purchase plans may be in English and there is no legal requirement that such document be translated. Any filing with the government may be, and is usually in English.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filing with the government must be translated.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filing with the government must be translated.
Electronic communication
In most circumstances, it is acceptable for offer documents and enrollment forms to be executed electronically.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filing with the government must be translated.

Saudi Arabia
Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filing with the government must be translated.

There are no translation requirements. Any filing with the government must be in English.

Slovak Republic
The Slovak Act on State Language requires the written legal acts within the labor law or similar legal relationships to be executed in the Slovak language. Such documents may be bilingual.
Electronic communication
In some circumstances, it may be acceptable for offer documents and enrollment forms to be electronically executed.

South Africa
Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any government filings must be translated.

South Korea
Although not legally required, it is recommended that the plan documents be translated. Any government filings are required to be translated.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any government and legal filings are required to be translated.
Electronic communication
In some circumstances, it may be acceptable for offer documents and enrollment forms to be executed electronically.

The translation of plan documents is not required, unless requested by an employee. Any government filings are required to be translated.

Although it is not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.

Taiwan, China
Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee purchase plans be translated, especially for employees who are not fluent in English. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that supporting documents regarding purchase plans be translated. Any filings of official forms with the government are required to in Thai.

Since employee stock purchase rights plans may be considered as a part of the employment contracts, translation of such documents into Turkish is required.

Although not required, it is recommended that documents regarding stock purchase rights be translated into Ukrainian or drafted as bilingual documents. Any filings with the government and banks are required to be translated into Ukrainian or drafted as bilingual documents.
Electronic communication
It is valid for an employee to execute the award agreement electronically subject to certain conditions.

United Kingdom
Employee communications are not subject to any specific legal requirements.
Electronic communication
In some circumstances, it may be acceptable for offer documents and enrollment forms to be electronically executed.

Communications to the employee shall be addressed directly to the particular employee and not to the general workers population. Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding employee option plans be translated. Any filings with the government are required to be translated.

Although not legally required, it is recommended that documents regarding stock award plans and employee purchases be translated. Any filings with the SBV and other competent authorities are required to be made in Vietnamese.