Annual corporate maintenance requirements

Corporations and single-shareholder corporations must pay annual fee to the Public Registry.

Once the foreign company is registered, it is required to lodge the following with ASIC at least once every calendar year and at intervals of not more than 15 months:
- A copy of its balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flow statement
- Any other documents it is required by law to lodge in its country of origin and
- Payment of the ASIC the prescribed lodgment fee.
Changes to directors of the foreign company must be notified as they occur.
Proprietary company
A proprietary company must confirm its corporate details and pay a review fee to ASIC each year. Depending on whether it qualifies as a "large proprietary company" (determined by reference to revenue, gross assets and number of employees) or whether it is controlled by a foreign company (and is not eligible for relief), financial statements may need to be filed with ASIC each year. The accounting requirements imposed on a proprietary company under the Corporations Act depend on whether the company is classified as a "small proprietary company" or a "large proprietary company." Unless granted relief from ASIC, large proprietary companies are required to prepare an annual financial report which must be audited. A company is classified as a large proprietary company for a particular financial year if it satisfies at least 2 of the following tests:
- Consolidated revenue of the company and the entities it controls is AUD50 million or more for the financial year
- Value of the gross assets of the company and the entities it controls is AUD25 million or more at the end of the financial year and
- The company and the entities it controls have 100 or more employees at the end of the financial year.
Public company
A company must confirm its corporate details and pay a review fee to ASIC each year. An annual financial report must be prepared and audited.

Stock corporation (AG)
Annual shareholders' meeting and at least 4 meetings of the supervisory board (at least each calendar quarter).
Limited liability company (GmbH) and Flexible Company (FlexKapG)
Annual shareholders' meeting and, if any, at least 4 meetings of the supervisory board (at least each calendar quarter).

With Limited Liability (WLL)
A company who is registered for VAT must submit a tax return for each taxable period to the National Bureau for Revenue (NBR). Taxable periods varies depending on the annual supplies of the company's business.
Closed Shareholding Company (BSC(c))
A company who is registered for VAT must submit a tax return for each taxable period to the NBR. Taxable periods vary depending on the annual supplies of the company's business.
Foreign Branch (Branch)
A company who is registered for VAT must submit a tax return for each taxable period to the NBR. Taxable periods vary depending on the annual supplies of the company's business.

Public limited company (société anonyme/naamloze vennootschap)
Annual meeting of the management body, the shareholders and subsequently the annual filing of the annual accounts with the Belgian National Bank.
Limited company (société à responsabilité limitée/besloten vennootschap)
Annual meeting of the management body, the shareholders and subsequently the annual filing of the annual accounts with the Belgian National Bank.
Belgian branch office of a foreign company
Annual filing of the consolidated annual accounts of the foreign company with the Belgian National Bank.
The following documents and information must be filed with the clerk's office of the competent enterprise court within 30 days and, as the case may be, published in the Annexes to the Belgian State Gazette:
- Changes to the foreign company's articles of association
- Changes to the foreign company's name or legal form
- Changes to the foreign company's registration with the Commercial Register
- Changes to the address, name and activities of the Belgian branch office
- Appointments and resignations of persons authorized to represent the foreign company
- Appointments and resignations of the legal representative(s) of the Belgian branch office
- The dissolution of the foreign company, the appointment of liquidators and the scope of their powers and the closing of the liquidation
- The bankruptcy, judicial composition or similar procedure affecting the foreign company
- and the closing of the Belgian branch office.
Annually, within 1 month as of the annual shareholders' meeting and at the latest within 7 months as of the closing of the financial year, the annual accounts and, as the case may be, the consolidated annual accounts of the foreign company must be filed with the National Bank of Belgium.

Limited liability company (Sociedade Limitada)
Annual quotaholders' meeting to be held within 4 months after the end of the previous fiscal year.
Corporation (Sociedade Anônima)
Annual shareholders' meeting to be held within 4 months after the end of the previous fiscal year.

Corporate subsidiary (Corporation form rather than flow-through form)
Subject to any unanimous shareholders agreement (or in British Columbia, the articles of the company), the directors and shareholders have a statutory obligation to hold an annual meeting, or pass resolutions in lieu of a meeting, in connection with the annual required maintenance which is a standard requirement for each province and territory (the Annual Requirement). The Annual Requirement includes (i) the directors to approve the financial statements of the preceding financial year end, (ii) the shareholders to elect the board of directors for the ensuing year and (iii) in jurisdictions in which officers are required, the directors to appoint the officers for the ensuing year.
For a meeting of the shareholders, the notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be sent, in the case of an offering corporation, not less than 21 days and, in the case of any other corporation, not less than 10 days. In either case, the notice should not be sent more than 50 days before the meeting. The notice must be sent to each shareholder entitled to vote at the meeting, to each director and to the corporation's auditor. Unless the bylaws otherwise provided, voting at a meeting of shareholders shall be by show of hands, except where a ballot is demanded by a shareholder or proxyholder entitled to vote at the meeting.
For a meeting of the directors, unless stated otherwise in the bylaws, the notice of the time and place shall be given to every director of the corporation by sending the notice 10 days or more before the date of the meeting to each director’s latest address as shown on the records of the corporation.

A municipal tax is paid in the borough where the entity is domiciled and where the entity has opened branches.

Annual reports are required to be filed with the AMR and the MFOCOM.

General partnership (Sociedad Colectiva)
The partnership board must approve the annual financial statements and annually renew the Commerce Registration.
Limited partnership (Sociedad en Comandita Simple y por Acciones)
The partnership board must approve the annual financial statements and annually renew the Commerce Registration.
Limited liability partnership (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada)
The partnership board must approve the annual financial statements and annually renew the Commerce Registration
Corporation (Sociedad Anónima)
The shareholders general assembly must approve the annual financial statements.
Simplified stock company (Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada)
The shareholders general assembly must approve the annual financial statements.

Czech Republic
Annual accounts must be filed with the Czech commercial register in the Collection of Deeds (sbírka listin).
The auditing of the annual financial statements is mandatory for large and medium-sized companies.

Limited liability company (Kapitalselskab)
The shareholders of the limited company must hold annual shareholders' meetings.
The audited and approved annual report of all limited companies must annually be filed with the Danish Business Authority without undue delay after approval.
The Danish Business Authority must receive the annual report no later than 6 months after the end of the financial year of the company. It is possible to have a financial year other than the calendar year (ie., July 1 to June 30).

Annual shareholders' meeting (ie, the general assembly meeting) to approve appointment of independent financial auditor, financial statements and limit liability of and hold the board harmless when it acts within the scope of its authority. The meeting should be held at least once every year during the 3 months succeeding the end of the financial year of the company.
Annual quotaholders' meeting (ie, the general assembly meeting) to approve appointment of independent financial auditor, financial statements and limit liability of and hold the manager(s) harmless when they act within the scope of their authority. The meeting should be held at least once every year during the 3 months succeeding the end of the financial year of the company.
A founder has all powers of a general assembly; therefore, they annually submit audited financials, appoint an independent auditor and name managers.
A branch must annually submit a copy of its financial statements and an audit report; names and nationalities of its manager(s); and number, nationalities, titles and total payroll of its employees and determine the payroll of the Egyptian employees, its profits and the proportion of the profit that was distributed to its employees to GAFI.
An RO must annually submit to GAFI (as may be may requested), at the beginning of each financial year:
- Its employees' names, titles, nationalities, total payroll and determine the ratio of the Egyptian employees’ payroll
- Any additional information regarding RO’s activities during the financial year and any amendments in relation thereto
- Evidence that the parent company has been notified with the aforementioned
- Decisions of the parent company in relation to the activities undertaken by the RO during the financial year and
- A timeline schedule for the pending and finalized studies required to be done by the RO.

Osakeyhtiö (Oy)
Annual shareholders' meeting, which can be completed per capuslam (ie, by written consent by all shareholders), shall be held within 6 months after the end of each financial year. Annual reports are required to be filed with the registration authority.

Société par actions simplifiée (SAS)
Annual shareholders' meeting to approve once a year the financial statements within 6 months from the closing of the last financial year.
Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)
Annual shareholders' meeting to approve once a year the financial statements within 6 months from the closing of the last financial year.
Société anonyme (SA)
Annual shareholders' meeting to approve once a year the financial statements within 6 months from the closing of the last financial year.

GmbH – limited liability company
Annual accounts have to be filed with the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger).
The auditing of the annual financial statements is mandatory for large and medium-sized GmbHs in accordance with German Commercial Law.

Societe anonyme (S.A.)
Submission of financial statements together with balance sheet, management report and auditor’s report, if required by law, to be registered to the Companies' Registry. Additionally, several other decisions of shareholders as well as certain BoD decisions must be registered to the General Commercial Registry.
Limited liability company (L.L.C.)
Annual financial statements of the company are registered to the General Commercial Registry and some other decisions of the director(s) and partners meeting.
Private company (P.C.)
Annual financial statements of the company are registered to the General Commercial Registry and some other decisions of the director(s) and partners meeting.

Hong Kong, SAR
Limited private companies
Annual general meeting: Generally required to hold an annual general meeting of shareholders within 9 months after the end of its accounting reference period. An annual general meeting may be held virtually unless the articles of the company expressly preclude it or require the meeting to be held at a physical venue. Audited financial statements must be tabled at the annual general meeting. The annual general meeting can be replaced by written resolutions by all shareholders. This requirement may be waived for certain companies.
Annual Return: Generally required to be filed with the Companies Registry within 42 days after the date to which the return is made up to with updated company's information, including the shareholders' and the directors' information.
Audited financial statements: Required to be prepared up to the end of the financial year of the company in accordance with the Hong Kong GAAP.
- Renewal of Business Registration Certificate (depends on its 1 year or 3 years validity period)

Companies must prepare, submit and publish annual financial statements until the last day of the 5th month following the end of the tax year. If the company fails to submit and publish its financial statements upon the request of the tax authority, default penalty is assessed up to HUF200,000 and the tax authority requests the company to rectify such non-compliance within 30 days. If the company fails the submit and publish its financial statement within the additional 30-day deadline, the tax authority withdraws the tax number of the company and initiates the deletion procedure of the company at the Court of Registration.

Private limited company
Annual shareholder meetings; quarterly board meetings.

Limited liability company
The board of directors must draw up the annual report to be approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders. The board of commissioners must also draw up the annual supervisory report to be presented in the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Private company limited by shares (LTD)
Convene the AGM (or pass a written shareholder resolution in lieu). File an annual return and audited financial statements with the CRO.
Certain events also give rise to CRO filing requirements (eg, changes to the constitutional documents, share capital, registered office or officers of the company).
External company
A branch is required to file a copy of the foreign company's accounting documents (translated into English, if required) with the CRO no later than 30 days after the last date for publication of accounting documents in the jurisdiction of incorporation.
Certain events give rise to CRO filing requirements (eg, changes to constitutional documents, address of the branch or offices of the company).

Annual meetings of the board of directors and of the shareholders; filing of annual report with the Registrar of Companies; payment of annual fee to the Registrar of Companies. The company is also required to notify the Registrar of Companies of various changes within the company on an ongoing basis (eg, changes in share capital, shareholdings and directors).
Branch / representative office
Required to notify the Registrar of Companies of various changes within the branch and/or the Original Entity (eg, changes in the organizational documents or board of directors of the Original Entity, changes relating to the authorized representative of the branch).

Società a responsabilità limitata (S.r.l.) and Società per azioni (S.p.A.)
Approval of financial statements (both at quota-holders’ and directors’ level).

Registered branch
Kabushiki-Kaisha (KK)
The requirements are an annual shareholders' meeting for every KK and a board of directors meeting once every 3 months if the KK has a board of directors.
Godo-Kaisha (GK)
None. A GK may flexibly organize its maintenance policy.

Private limited liability company (Société à responsabilité limitée or S.à r.l.)
Yearly approval by the shareholders of the balance sheet and profit and loss account prepared by the management, within 6 months from the end of the financial year. An annual shareholders’ meeting must be held if there are more than 60 shareholders.
The annual accounts must be filed with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies within one month following their approval and be published in full to the Luxembourg electronic gazette (Recueil Electronique des Sociétés et Associations).
Public limited liability company (Société anonyme or S.A.)
Annual shareholders' meeting to be held in Luxembourg within 6 months from the end of the financial year in order to approve the annual accounts.
The annual accounts must be filed with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies within one month following their approval and be published in full to the Luxembourg electronic gazette (Recueil Electronique des Sociétés et Associations).
Special limited partnership (Société en commandite spéciale or SCSp)
No mandatory annual partners' meeting.

Annual return and financial statement of a private limited company are filed annually to the Companies Commission of Malaysia.

All companies must maintain statutory books and records that adequately show the transactions and financial position of the company. All companies, except for small private companies with turnover of less than MUR100 million, must have their financial statements audited. These must then be provided to the Registrar.
Global Business Corporations and Authorized Companies are required to prepare and file annual audited financial statements/financial summaries with the FSC.

S.A. de C.V.
Annual shareholders' meeting and annual filing with the Foreign Investments Bureau.
S. de R.L. de C.V.
Annual partners' meeting and annual filing with the Foreign Investments Bureau.
S.A.P.I. de C.V.
Annual shareholders' meeting and annual filing with the National Registry of Foreign Investments.

Branch office
Determined by governing law of the head office.
B.V. (private company with limited liability)
Annual director and shareholder meeting.
Co-operative U.A.
Annual management board and members meeting.
C.V. (a limited partnership)
Annual partners meeting (if so required by the partnership agreement).

New Zealand
Limited liability company
A limited liability company must confirm its corporate details and pay an annual return fee to the Companies Office each year. Depending on whether it qualifies as a 'large' company (determined by reference to revenue, gross assets and identity of shareholders), audited financial statements may need to be filed each year. Unless granted relief from the Companies Office, large companies that are required to prepare an annual financial report must appoint an auditor. The threshold for 'large' varies depending on where the shareholders of the company reside. A New Zealand company is classified as a 'large' company for a particular financial year if 1 of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD66 million or
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD33 million.
A New Zealand company that is a subsidiary of an overseas company is classified as 'large' for a particular financial year if 1 of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD22 million or
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD11 million.
Once the overseas company is registered as a New Zealand branch, it is required to lodge the following with the Companies Office:
Audited financial statements (if it is 'large')
- Annual return along with annual return fee
An overseas company will be considered 'large' for a particular financial year if either of the following 2 tests applies:
- As at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceed NZD22 million; or
- In each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the entity and its subsidiaries (if any) exceeds NZD11 million.
Audited financial statements will also need to be filed in respect of the branch if it is considered 'large.' The branch will be considered 'large' in its own right for a particular financial year if either of the following 2 tests applies:
- as at the balance date of each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total assets of the branch exceed USD22million:
- in each of the 2 preceding accounting periods, the total revenue of the branch exceeds USD11 million.

The law requires every company to keep and maintain accounting records which should disclose with reasonable accuracy, and at all times, the financial position of the company and should enable the directors to ensure that financial statements of the company are prepared in accordance with the law, both in form and content. The content of the accounting records must be available for inspection at all times by the officers of the company.
The financial statements for the company in each accounting year shall be prepared by the directors and should include the following:
- A statement of accounting policies (not compulsory for private companies)
- The balance sheet as at the last day of the year
- A profit and loss account
- Notes on the account.
- The auditors’ report
- The directors’ report
- Changes in equity(not compulsory for private companies)
- A statement of the source and application of fund (not compulsory for private companies)
- A value added statement of the year (not compulsory for private companies)
- A 5 year financial summary (not compulsory for private companies)
- In the case of a holding company, the group financial statements
- Each public company shall keep its audited accounts displayed on its website.
Companies are required to file with the CAC, their annual return together with their audited financial statements or statement of affairs within 42 days after the holding of the AGM in each year. The Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer of companies, other than small companies, are required to certify that the officer who signed the audited financial statements has confirmed that the statements does not contain any untrue statements or concealed material facts.

Private LLCs and public LLCs must file a register of shareholders as of December 31 each year by January 31.

Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

General Information Sheet (GIS) and AFS stamped "received" by the BIR to be submitted annually to the SEC. Effective January 22, 2024, the BIR will cease collecting the annual registration form/fee from business taxpayers. As a result, business taxpayers are exempt from filing BIR No. 0605 and paying the PHP500 annual registration fee on or before January 31 of each year. The mayor's permit (from LGUs) must be renewed before January 20 of each year.
Business taxpayers with existing BIR Certificate of Registration (COR) that includes the Registration Fee will retain its validity. These taxpayers may choose to update or replace their COR at their convenience. This can be done at the Revenue District Office, where they are registered on or before December 31, 2024, by surrendering their old COR.

Commercial companies, partnerships, branches and representative offices must approve and file annual financial statements with the registry court. In commercial companies and joint-stock partnerships, approval is granted by means of shareholders' meeting resolution (unless prescribed otherwise in the articles of association). Commercial companies, joint-stock limited partnerships and certain partnerships must also draw up and adopt a report on the entity's operations in the preceding financial year. A shareholders' meeting to adopt these documents must be called within 6 months of the previous financial year end. Financial statements of a branch are deemed approved when the founding foreign company has approved its own financial statements, which include financials of the branch. Within 15 days from the approval, the financial documents must be filed online with the Repository of Financial Documents (Repozytorium Dokumentów Finansowych).

- Yearly approval of accounts
- Filling of yearly accounts with the Tax Authority and confirmation of UBO details
- Appointment of corporate bodies (depending on duration of mandates set under the bylaws)

Puerto Rico
- Annual shareholder meeting
- Filing of an annual report on or before April 15. The filing fees for annual reports are USD150 for a for-profit corporation and USD5 for a non-profit corporation
All annual reports must include a balance sheet that shows the financial condition of the corporation at the close of operations
- If the volume of business of a corporation is equal to USD 10 million or more, the balance sheet must be audited by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a valid license from the Government of Puerto Rico
Limited Liability Companies
Annual fee of USD 150 on or before April 15 each year.

The annual financial statements of the company must be approved by the general meeting of shareholders.

Joint-stock company (public and non-public)
Annual general shareholders’ meeting.
Limited liability company
Annual general members' meeting.

Saudi Arabia
Limited liability company
A shareholder meeting shall be convened at least once a year. Managers of the company shall prepare company's financial statements, a report on its operations and financial position, and their proposal for appropriation of net profits within 3 months from the end of the financial year (Report). The managers shall also be prepared to submit a copy of their report to MOCI within 1 month of the date of preparation of the Report.

Limited liability company
Appointment of auditor and auditing of financial statements (if no exemption is available); maintaining accounting records and accounts, holding annual general meetings; filing annual returns with ACRA and tax returns with IRAS. Maintenance of statutory registers as required under the CA.

South Africa
All companies are required to maintain their company records. A company must at all times have a copy of its MOI and any amendments or alterations to it, as well as any rules that apply to the company in terms of its MOI.
A company is also required to keep registers of its securities holders, directors, its company secretary and auditors.
Public companies and certain private companies are required to keep registers of disclosures of beneficial interests in their securities. Other companies must file records with the CIPC regarding individuals who are "beneficial owners" of such companies.
All companies are required to keep accurate and complete accounting records, which must be kept and be accessible at the company’s registered office.
All companies are required to lodge their annual returns with CIPC every year.
Public companies and private companies required to be audited must file audited annual financial statements every year.
External companies must continuously maintain at least 1office in South Africa which must be registered as its address (or principal office if it has more than 1 office) and file an annual return with CIPC every year.

South Korea
Joint-stock company (Jusik Hoesa)
General meeting of shareholders for each fiscal year.
Limited company (Yuhan Hoesa)
General meeting of members for each fiscal year.

Branch (Sucursal)
The branch must either file its own accounts in the Commercial Registry (if its accounting is separate from the principal company) or file documents evidencing that the principal company has filed its annual accounts in the relevant jurisdiction (in case of a foreign company).
Limited liability company (Sociedad Limitada)
Annual shareholders' general meeting and quarterly board meetings (if a board exists).
Joint-stock company (Sociedad Anónima)
Annual shareholders' general meeting and quarterly board meetings (if a board exists).

Limited company (aktiebolag, AB)
Annual shareholders' meeting which can be completed per capuslam (ie, by written consent by all shareholders and annual filings of annual reports).
Trading partnership (handelsbolag, HB)
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Limited partnership (kommanditbolag, KB)
Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Branch office (filial, Branch)
If a foreign company has a legal form comparable with a limited company and is incorporated within the European Economic Area (EEA), the accounting records of a branch are to be prepared by annual accounts (årsbokslut). Annual accounts must be prepared in accordance with the Swedish Book-keeping Act (bokföringslagen). Annual accounts are to be signed by a managing director of a branch. Annual accounts of a branch do not need to be filed with the SCRO.
If a foreign company:
- has a legal form which is not comparable with a limited company, or
is incorporated outside of the EEA, accounting records of a branch are to be prepared by an annual report (årsredovisning). Annual report must be prepared in accordance with the Annual Reports Act (årsredovisningslagen). Annual report is to be signed by the managing director of a branch. Annual report of a branch is to be filed with the SCRO.
Furthermore, a certified copy of the foreign company's annual report and any auditor's report must always be filed with the SCRO.

Stock corporation
Annual board of directors and general meeting of shareholders; annual report generally consisting of annual accounts and management report.

Taiwan, China
Company limited by shares
Annual board meeting and shareholders' meeting.
Closely-held company limited by shares
Annual board meeting and shareholders' meeting.
Limited company
Branch office of a foreign company

Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

Company books such as a share ledger, minutes book for resolutions of board members and minutes book for general assembly meetings must be maintained.

Limited Liability Company
Private Joint-Stock Company
PJSCs shall submit reports to the Securities Commission until April 30 on an annual basis and disclose information as provided by law. In light of martial law, PJSCs shall disclose (i) annual regular information for 2021 – within 90 days after martial law is suspended, (ii) interim regular information – along with annual regular information for 2021 and (iii) special information – in the usual order.
In addition, companies are required to make event driven filings (eg, to reflect changes in the share capital, registered office or directors of the company).
Certain exemptions in filings are envisaged for PJSC which are owned directly or indirectly by one person.

United Arab Emirates
- Annual general assembly.
- Annual maintenance of register containing details of ultimate beneficial ownership and filing with competent authorities.
Annual maintenance of register containing details of ultimate beneficial ownership and filing with competent authorities.
- Annual general assembly.
- Annual maintenance of register containing details of ultimate beneficial ownership and filing with competent authorities (only applicable for non-financial free zones).
Annual maintenance of register containing details of ultimate beneficial ownership and filing with competent authorities (only applicable for non-financial free zones).
Dual Licensee Branch
Annual maintenance of register containing details of ultimate beneficial ownership and filing with competent authorities.

United Kingdom
Private limited company
Must file a confirmation statement at least every 12 months confirming there have been no changes since the last filing, or otherwise setting out (amongst other things) details of any changes to the company's share capital, people with significant control and directors. Confirmation statements are publicly available.
Must maintain a register of individuals or legal entities that have control over them (people with significant control) and maintain the public register with details of such individuals or legal entities (as applicable).
Must prepare annual accounts covering the previous financial year and deliver these to Registrar of Companies House within 9 months of the end of financial year. Accounts are publicly available.
Requirement to make event-driven filings (eg, to reflect changes in the share capital, registered office or directors of the company).
Limited liability partnership (LLP)
Must file a confirmation statement at least every 12 months setting out (amongst other things) details of LLP's membership. Confirmation statements are publicly available.
Must maintain a register of individuals or legal entities that have control over them (people with significant control) and maintain the public register with details of such individuals or legal entities (as applicable).
Must file annual accounts (subject to certain exceptions for small and dormant LLPs). Accounts are publicly available.
Registered UK establishment
If the overseas company prepares and files annual accounts in its country of incorporation, a full copy of the accounts may need to be filed at Companies House within 3 months of the date they are required to be disclosed under its parent law.
If it does not prepare and file such accounts under its parent law, Companies House will allocate the company an accounting reference date, and certain accounting documents will need to be filed (generally, this will be within 13 months of the end of the accounting reference period).
A fee will also be payable. Accounts are publicly available.

United States
Corporations typically need to either convene an annual shareholder meeting or execute shareholder written resolutions, as well as the filing of an annual return with the applicable Secretary of State.
For an LLC, typically the filing of an annual return with the applicable Secretary of State is needed.

With respect to keeping internal records, the company is required to maintain at its head office meeting minutes of the GSM and the BOM (in respect to JSCs) and the MC/member’s council (in respect to LLCs) and other resolutions or decisions of the company, accounting books, accounting records and annual financial statements, among others. With respect to filing annual reports, a foreign-owned company is required to submit an annual report on status of investment project implementation, an annual report of evaluation and supervision of investment project and an audited annual financial statement, among other documents.