Not applicable for this jurisdiction.
Trade secrets
Ownership / licenses


Ownership results from the obtention of the information, accompanied by legal or practical measures aimed at restricting access to that information by third parties. No registration requirement is applicable.
Joint ownership is possible.
Trade secret or know-how licenses are common and enforceable.

Trade secrets cannot be assigned as they are not property. However, contractual rights to trade secrets may be assigned and licensed. An assignee or licensee may sue others for a breach of confidence.

The owner of a trade secret can be a natural person or a legal entity.

As for most European jurisdictions, competition rules prevail over contractual arrangements. Licenses in respect of trade secrets are subject to Commission Regulation (EC) 316/2014 of March 21, 2014 on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of technology transfer agreements.

Not applicable for this jurisdiction.

Trade secret licenses are enforceable. It is advisable to institute an agreement with parties to protect trade secrets from misuse or unauthorized disclosure.
Even in the absence of such an agreement, a person can be obligated to maintain confidentiality. If a person receives information and knows, or reasonably ought to know, that it is confidential, they are obligated to protect its confidentiality and they are disentitled from misusing or disclosing that information to 3rd parties.
Joint ownership of trade secrets is recognized.

Not applicable.

License of trade secrets is usually supported by non-disclosure clauses, which are enforceable.

The owner or the person who has control over the trade secret is protected by virtue of law. This person has a duty to authorize and restrict access to the confidential information. For this reason, if the information is disclosed to a third party, it is important to execute an agreement that requires such third party to maintain its confidentiality.
Without limitation to the foregoing, the information may be disclosed to protect public order and a prior request may be made by a competent authority. In this case, it loses the nature of trade secret.

Czech Republic
Joint ownership is possible. A trade secret is an intangible asset under Civil Code.

The company owns its trade secrets.

Trade secrets can be licensed or transferred.

Ownership and licenses require appropriate identification of the trade secrets at stake.
Articles L. 151-7 et seq. of the French Code of Commerce provide exceptions to the trade secret protection (eg, legal obligation to communicate and legal proceedings).

A trade secret owner is any natural or legal person that is lawfully controlling a trade secret. Joint ownership is possible.
Trade secrets are usually disclosed under a confidentiality agreement. Licenses relating to know-how are enforceable.

Hong Kong, SAR
A plaintiff who asserts that they are the owner of trade secrets shall have to prove the same on a balance of probabilities. To be protected by the common law, the owner must show that the release of trade secrets and undisclosed commercial information would be detrimental to the owner or advantageous to their competitors or others.
As trade secrets are a species of property, joint ownership and grant of license are permissible. It is common to see licenses of trade secrets, typically in conjunction with licenses of patent rights.

No special provisions applicable. Joint ownership is possible.

The ownership of trade secrets vests with an owner as long as they are secret and do not fall under the exceptions described above.
Trade secrets may be licensed under contract.

The owner of the trade secret may grant a license permitting 3rd parties to use the trade secret and prohibit 3rd parties from using or disclosing the trade secret for commercial purposes under a license agreement.
Based on Minister Regulation No. 8, a trade secret license agreement must be duly recorded, and the application for recording can be made electronically or in paper format. Recording is valid for a duration of 5 years and can be renewed.
Minister Regulation No. 8 requires a copy of the trade secret license agreement, proof of ownership of trade secret, original power of attorney and proof of payment to be submitted. The applicant is also required to provide a statement letter stating that the object of the license agreement is still valid, will not cause any losses to the national economy interest, will not inhibit the development of technology and is not in conflict with the laws and regulations, morality and public order

It is possible to have joint rights in confidential information and to limit use of such confidential information by license or otherwise under contract.

Usually, the owner of the information owns the trade secret; licenses can be granted and there is no need to record grant.

The holder of the trade secret is the entity that developed such secret (joint ownership is possible).

The UCPA is silent on joint ownership of and licensing of trade secrets. As long as these do not undermine trade secrets to meet the 3-prong test, the trade secrets will be still protected.

As for most European jurisdictions, competition rules prevail over contractual arrangements. Licenses of trade secrets are subject to Commission Regulation (EC) 316/2014 of March 21, 2014 on the application of Article 101(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to categories of technology transfer agreements. Such licenses are exempted from the application of Article 101(1) of the treaty in case the parties' joint market share does not surpass certain thresholds and if the licensed technology rights have not expired, lapsed or been declared invalid or, in the case of know-how, for as long as the know-how remains secret, except if the disclosure of the know-how is the result of an action by the licensee (in which case the exemption shall only apply for the duration of the agreement). In any case, trade secrets licenses containing any of the hardcore restrictions listed in Section 4 of aforementioned regulation are not exempted.

No registration is required. An owner must use means or systems to preserve a trade secret's confidentiality and restricted access to the trade secret.
An owner may transfer or allow the use of the trade secret to a 3rd party. A 3rd party shall have the obligation to not disclose the trade secret.

Licenses for know-how and trade secrets are common under the laws of the Netherlands. Licenses in respect of trade secrets are subject to Commission Regulation (EC) 772/2004 of April 27, 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements.

New Zealand
Trade secrets are confidential information and therefore not property per se. However, contractual rights to use trade secrets may be assigned or licensed.

No text yet.

Licenses for know-how and trade secrets are common in Norway, and, as such, these can be transferred and licensed. To retain their status as trade secrets, such information must be subject to confidentiality provisions.


Joint ownership is possible. Trade secret (or know-how) licenses are enforceable.

Information regarded as a trade secret may be transferred or licensed. The relevant agreement usually includes a non-disclosure clause. There are no requirements as to the form of the transfer or licensing of such information. With regard to licensing an invention that is protected as a trade secret (which is patentable but not protected by a patent), certain rules referring to licensing patents apply – for example, the license expires when the trade secret is no longer confidential (unless the parties agree otherwise). It is accepted that a license for the use of such trade secrets does not have to be in writing (as it is in the case of patents).

The person with legal control over the information is the owner of the information.

Joint ownership is possible. Trade secret, or know-how, licenses are enforceable.

The holder of the trade secret is the owner of such secret (joint ownership is possible). The right to trade secret may be assigned or licensed.

Saudi Arabia
Trade secrets or know-how licenses are, in principle, enforceable.

Information shall be owned by the business and such information will be protected as a secret from everyone except certain key individuals within the business or company and can be divulged within parameters set by these key individuals on behalf of the company.
Trade secrets can be licensed or assigned. In a trade secret licence, the licensor permits a 3rd party to use the licensor’s trade secret. The licensor remains the owner of the trade secret and will be able to receive royalties from the licensee’s use of the trade secrets. The ownership of a trade secret may also be assigned to another party. Once the trade secret has been assigned, it will no longer belong to the assignor who usually owes the assignee strict duties to maintain confidentiality of the trade secret.

Slovak Republic
The owner of a business secret is a natural or legal person who lawfully handles the business secret which is related to an enterprise undertaken by this person within their entrepreneurship. This person has, in general, the exclusive right to handle this business secret, especially to grant a permission to its use and set conditions for its use.

South Korea
Joint ownership is possible. Trade secret (know-how) licenses are enforceable.

Trade secrets are, from March 2019, subject to specific property rights. Rules on joint ownership of trade secrets are provided by the Trade Secrets Act.

The Act on Trade Secrets does not contain any rules on licensing but the Act is based on the assumption that know-how and trade secrets can be licensed. Licenses for know-how and trade secrets are common under the laws of Sweden. Joint ownership is possible.

Protection may apply to several individuals if they all work on the creation of the trade secret and their individual input cannot be separated. There are certain contractual constellations (eg, employment contracts) for which particular provisions are available that separately govern the ownership and party obligations with regard to trade secrets.
It is possible to assign and/or license rights on legally protected trade secrets and know-how.

Taiwan, China
A trade secret can be freely assigned, licensed, pledged or inherited in whole or in part, but shall not be pledged or subject to compulsory execution. In case of joint ownership, no single owner of a trade secret shall assign or grant a license to another for the use of the jointly-owned trade secret without the unanimous consent of all joint owners, provided that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Joint ownership is possible. Trade secret, or know-how, licenses are enforceable.

United Arab Emirates
A trade secret will be owned by the entity to which the secret pertains.

United Kingdom
Trade secrets are protected by the common-law tort action of breach of confidence and the 2018 Regulations. They do not give rise to property rights or "ownership" in the conventional sense. They may be exercised by anyone who is able to establish the necessary conditions (described above). Contractual licenses to use trade secrets may be granted; while there is no legal requirement for these to be in writing or signed by either party, it is generally desirable for them to be signed and in writing, for certainty and evidential purposes.

United States
Joint ownership is possible. Trade secret – or know-how – licenses are enforceable.